Personal Finance, Invoicing and Bookkeeping Apps on Twitter

Everyone is practically on Twitter, so it is good to check out the feeds of companies who are tweeting about small business bookkeeping, money and personal finance.




ING Direct:

Less Accounting:





WSJ Wallet:

BTW,  I am on Twitter, and you can follow me at niche where I tweet about cupcakes, money, media, tech, events, and food.

Take 5: Real Costs, Apps and Feeding The Pig

country pate at brookvin

How much? Whats The Cost shows the real cost of things.  It is a site full of financial calculators for expenses like mortgages, credit card. It also has calculators for smokers and or social drinkers and you should see how much it  really costs financially. (via Lifehacker)

7th Heaven. Top 7 Free Personal Finance iPhone Apps. (via Lifestyler)

Feed The Pig email newsletter recommends to start saving now for holiday shopping.  If you put aside $ 10/week, you will have a nice a little headstart on Christmas gfts.  Look for Christmas deals.  Overstock is a good place to start.

Peer-To Peer Lending gets a new life since the banks are lending less to consumers.

To Close or Not Close a Paid off Credit Card. Keep the account. Cut up the card.

Take 5: Half Over,Thrive and Cheap Dates

July 005

Flying: It’s already July and 2009 is moving at cheetah-pace. The end of the 2Q was last week, so it’s time to take a look at how your business is doing so far. Review your budget, your profits and expenses and make adjustments so that you are not caught off guard by the end of the year. Also, talk to your CPA to see if you set aside more cash for taxes and/or increase deductible expenses.

Stayin’ Alive:  Lauren from Lifestyler Mag interviews the founders of Thrive on behavioral budgeting and personal finance management.

Save money on household products: Join Alice.  Free Shipping.

Buying Health Insurance: It’s still a conundrum, but here are some tips.

Cheap Date:  FiLife has some cool and steamy ideas for date nights.